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3D Printing and


Cell isolation and culture

Micro-extrusion 3D printers (Cellink BioX, Ultimaker - FDM), DLP-based 3D printer (Cellink LumenX) and SLA 3D printer (Form 3B)

Primary cell isolation and culture from porcine and human tissues. Maintenance of secondary cell lines.

Scaffold Fabrication

Biomaterial Synthesis and Characterization

Films, electrospun nanofibrous mats and 3D construct

SilkMA, gelMA, ChitosanMA synthesis; Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Rheology, Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), FTIR (Infrared Spectroscopy)

Soft lithography

Immunohistology and immunocytology

Cryo-microtomy and Flow Cytommetry

Mesofluidic device templating and fabrication

Bright-field and fluorescence microscopy

Molecular Biology Techniques


Nikon and Zeiss microscopes

Real-time PCR, SDS-PAGE and gelatin zymography

UV/Visible and fluorescence

Fluorescently labelled gelMA microspheres


Grant writing

Written multiple grants to secure institutional & national funding during doctoral research

Scientific Presentation

Oral & poster presentations in 9 international conferences & secured accolades & awards

Scientific Writing

Authored 9 first author research & review articles in reputed journals

Collaboration and Teamwork

Collaborated with research scholars from various departments and institutes and published 16 co-authored research articles, review articles and book chapters


Managed, guided and mentored Mastersʼ thesis projects of 5 internal/external students


  • Jennie G. - M.Tech. - Bharatidasan University, Tiruchirapalli

  • Soumashree Mondal - M.Sc. - SRM University, Chennai

  • Neelabha De - M.Sc. - SRM University, Chennai

  • Baishali Ghibhela - M.Sc. - Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore

  • Shruti Agnihotri - M.Tech. - Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati

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